martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

Zoo field trip

Day: 3

Grade: 3rd

Topic : A day at the Zoo!

Standard : Standard #1 Oral Communication

                   Standard # 2 Written Communication


I.  Objectives :

          The students will :

1-     Identify a variety of animals.

                   2- Classify animals into wild, sea, and forest animals.


II. Materials:

1-     School bus

2-    Permission slips

3-    Notebook

4-    Pencil


III. Activities


          The students should be in school at 7am. The teacher and her assistants for the day (a volunteer mother or another teacher) will ask for the permission slips and allow the students onto the bus. The field trip will begin at the school, and travel for two and a half to three hours to get to the Mayaguez Zoo. Along the way there will be several stops made so the students can go to the bathroom and have a snack.



          Once the group has arrived to the zoo, the teacher will assign each assistant a small quantity of students so they can keep track of students that stay behind and wander longer. The teacher will hand the students their small notebook and pencils so they remember to write the animals that they see and have studied in class.



          The students will have lunch in a fast food in Mayaguez and the group will head back to the school. The bus will arrive before 3pm. The parents of each student must go and pick them up at 2:30.



          The students will take their notes and as homework, they will classify the animals they saw in the zoo in the three categories explored in English class, which are Wild Animals, Sea Animals, and Forest Animals.   

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