martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

Poems "Sea animals"

Grade: 3rd

Topic:  Poems/ Sea animals

Standards: Standard # 2 Written Communication

                 Standard # 4 Literary Appreciation


I. Objectives:

The student will:

1- Compose poems about animals

2- Recall different types of poems

3-Draw animal shapes with poems



II. Materials:


                1- Computer



                4- markers

                5- crayons


III. Activities:


Routine :  

The teacher will greet the students. The teacher will ask the students about the date and write it down on the board. The teacher will ask the students about the weather and tell one of them to check it, by looking out the window. The students will then sing the “Weather Song”.




The teacher will explore her students’ previous knowledge about poetry. On the board, she will write the word poetry to create a concept map. As a way to stimulate the students’ thinking process, she will ask:

-         Do you like reading poems?

-         What do you think a poem is?

-         What do you think a poem should have?

-         Do you like to write poems?



The group is going to be divided in learning centers.  Each center is going to work with different types of poems.


Learning centers:

1)    Science:

In this center the students will select a sea animal (from a list) to write about. Then, they will write an acrostic poem.  The selected animal will be the key word to write this acrostic. The students will write it vertically on a sheet of paper. Then they will create a line of poetry, each one beginning with a letter from the animal.  The poems should have information and descriptions of the animal. The teacher will give the student some scientific written information about the animal they select.


2)   Social studies:

The teacher will give the student a short reading about Sea Contamination. The reading will present the point of view of the sea animal that is affected by pollution. The student will discuss their points of view and reactions about the reading. After reading and discussing, the students will write an “If I were…” poem taking the animals’ point of view.


3)   Technology:

In this center the student will work with “Kidspiration” a program to analyze a poem. This program provides an activity that they can complete. In this activity the student will have to answer these questions:

-         What are the title and author of the poem?

-         What is the poem about?

-         What did the poem make you think of?

-         What words did you like?

-         How did the poem make you feel?


The program also has multiple pictures that they can include in their work. After they finish answering the questions, they will have the option to convert their work into a graphic organizer.   


4)    Art:

In this center the students will create a Concrete Poem about sea animals. To do this they will have to choose sea animals from a list.  The animal word can be written in the shape of the animal, or a picture can be inserted within poem. The students can create an animal shaped by the poem.  To do this activity the teacher will provide different types of art materials.




The students will present their poems to the group. The poems will be posted on the classroom wall.  

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