martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

Wild Animals Class

Date: _____________

Grade : 3rd

Topic : Distinguish the Wild Animal Classes



I. Objectives:

        The students will :

1-    Classify animals into their different classes.

2-   Create a Wild Animal Sticks.


II. Materials:

1-    Foam papers (variety of colors)

2-  Markers

3-  Scissors

4-  Ice cream Sticks

5-  Glue

6-  Handout

7-  White Cardboards



III. Activities:


        The teacher will greet the students. The teacher will ask the students about the weather and then sing “The Weather Song”. The teacher will ask the students about the date and will ask one student to write the correct date on the board.


        The teacher will ask the students to look for their animal facts work sheet on their notebook. The teacher will ask the students to recall information orally. The teacher will ask one student to come to the front and give a small review of the animal facts.



        The teacher will ask the students to put away their information about the animal facts, which is what the day’s class will be about: dividing animals into their four classes. The students will be given handouts with different pictures of animals. In groups of three, the students will classify animals into : Birds, Mammals, Fish and Reptiles.

The students will use a white cardboard where they will write the animal categories, and make tables in which they will place the pictures of the animals correctly.  The teacher will then ask the students to choose an animal from the handouts of animal shapes she handed them. The student will then, pick foam papers accordingly to the color of their favorite animal and begin to cut and paste the foam paper until they have created the face or head shape of an animal.



        The students will finish decorating their animal and finally glue a stick onto it. The students will let the animal on a stick sit on the classroom overnight because they will use these in the up coming “Animal Fair.”

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